On Show Me The Fish Charters we are catching huge amber jacks all day long almost each time we go out. Along with that, a plethora of many of snappers- mangrove, yellowtail, lane and vermilion, are pretty much a genuine guarantee. With the usual porgys, trigger fish, scamp, red grouper and
catch and release gag grouper added in the mix on the regular. During the Christmas celebration, Joe Pasuit & Craig Parsons from Lake Orion, Michigan had a nice catch of gag grouper; those two gentlemen are pictured in the below picture from left to right, joined by a mother-daughter team, Lois and Laura Farrell from Tampa, Fla.

That same team of Lois and Laura Farrell from the bay area, are pictured below with their largest gag groupers that were caught on that trip. We were fishing in about 60 ft offshore of Anna Maria Island, using live pinfish which seems to be what the fish are asking for recently.

I'm sure many of you locals are bundling up during these recent cold snaps, but I've seen the best results to be on any of the wrecks, springs and ledges out past 100 ft. Overall, if you're seeking the best Red grouper bite, you'll find that offshore, in about 165 ft... and this IS due to the cold. So, put on a good coat, maybe a hat and get out there.... because there is most definitely some hardcore fish out there to be found as long as you are willing to deal with a bit of chilly weather. Case in point are the folks pictured above; sure, Joe & Craig are from Michigan, but the mother-daughter team are Tampa Bay locals and they managed to brave the elements & were greatly rewarded!
Are you ready to claim your fish reward? This isn't like mail in rebates, this is the REAL DEAL, where you are guaranteed a quick ROI (Return On Investment) & a tangible benefit- fish that you can be pictured with, take some fillets home for tasty times later, & perhaps even
be a fishing rockstar!
Capt Larry McGuire Show Me The Fish ChartersCell: 941-720-6475 | Email captlarrymcguire@gmail.comOperating out of the Cortez Fishing Center,
Bradenton, FL
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